Membership Enquiry

If you are interested in the American Civil War for any reason, the American Civil War Round Table UK is the organisation for you. Our ranks include amateur and professional historians, students, wargamers, reenactors, and simply people who have a general interest in the history of this important conflict. We also have a wide network of contacts in similar organisations world wide.
Membership benefits include:
A subscription to our journal, Crossfire, issued three time each year and featuring first class scholarship on the War.
A subscription to our e-newsletter Vedette, keeping you up to date with news of our activities.
Access to exclusive members only features on our website including free online access to back issues of Crossfire and Vedette.
Able to join our WhatsApp group to share information with other members on Civil War books, battles and other topics of interest.
Invitations and priority booking for our society events, including meetings, online talks, an annual conference and a field trip.
We welcome overseas members, and annual membership costs just £25.00 wherever you are in the world. UK members receive a printed issue of Crossfire, overseas members an electronic version by e-mail. Overseas members wishing to received a printed copy please apply to the editor for rates.
Existing members can renew online via PayPal or credit/debit card.
“Well, well general, bury these poor fellows and let us say no more about it.”

Robert E Lee