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1864 - Bullets and Ballots


Dates: 4 - 6 April 2014 - Location: De Vere Conference Centre, Ascot.

The theme will be 1864 and the exact order has not been finalised. On the Friday there will be a debate in which the attendees decide the most important Civil War event of 1864. Seven volunteers will talk on their subject for 5 minutes e.g. the Fall of Atlanta, Grant as supreme commander, the advent of the black soldier, Lincoln's re-election, Grant turning Lee after the Wilderness etc. Then contributions from the floor and a vote. This will kick off the weekend. We have two American speakers (see below) who will each make two presentations. There will also be short presentations on Grant and on the CSS Alabama.

Key Speakers

Frank A. O'Reilly is the historian at the Fredericksburg National Park and surrounding Civil War National Parks.

Grinding Relentless War: The Overland Campaign of 1864.

Confederate Sunset in the Shenandoah: the Pivotal Battle of Cedar Creek

Author ' The Fredericksburg Campaign: Winter War on the Rappanhanock (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2003).

Dr Steve Davis

Sherman's Campaign to Atlanta

Sherman's March to the Sea and Beyond.

Author; Atlanta Will Fall; Sherman, Joe Johnson and the Heavy Yankee Battalions (2001) What the Yankees Did to Us; Sherman's Bombardment and Wrecking of Atlanta (2012)

Click here to download reservation form.

The conference location has been changed for 2014 because of the inclusive package offered by the De Vere Conference Centre. Not only are the delegate prices the same as 2013 but all meals are now included. The single supplement has been reduced from £76.00 to £50.00

The Conference Centre is 5 minutes by taxi from Sunningdale Rail Station (Waterloo line).

Close by are; (within 5 miles)

Savill Garden

Windsor Great Park

Windsor Castle


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