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Heritage and News - Summer 2010


From Jim Campi of the CWPT - A group of misguided investors has put forward a proposal to place a casino just 1/2 mile from Gettysburg National Military Park.

The Civil War Preservation Trust remains opposed to the idea of a slots parlour and gambling den within cannon shot of this national treasure. Besides simply cashing in on the Gettysburg name, a Gettysburg casino would generate tawdry and inconsistent sprawl along the historic Emmitsburg Road and would ultimately cheapen the sacrifices of those who fought and died there. Fortunately, we can stop this proposal - but we need your help!

Sign the e-petition condemning the idea of a Gettysburg casino by simply visiting the CWPT No Gettysburg Casino petition page. Each and every petition will then be submitted to the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board.

Proposed Grants

Two projects have been put forward to receive $500 each from ACWRTUK fundraising activities. Subject to the rules, they will take their rightful place in the queue.

Franklin is a battlefield that many enjoy visiting and I know that a number of ACWRTUK members have been there. A few years ago Rees Taylor delivered a lecture on it. However over the years, the urban sprawl of the town has encroached on the battlefield. The STFB group are very active and I believe that our contribution towards the purchase of land is worthwhile. The STFB have been offered a 5 acre parcel of land near the Collins Farm near the Eastern end of the trench line.

The Baileys Crossroad project in is a new and exciting venture. On November 20 1861, in Northern Virginia, between Munson's Hill and Bailey's Crossroads, McClellan conducted the most impressive military review of his career. For just over three hours 70,000 Union troops marched past President Lincoln, the pinnacle point of McClellan's transformation of amateurs into soldiers. It is also significant as in the crowd that day was Julia Ward Howe who was so inspired by the event that she went home and penned the "Battle Hymm of the Republic". The commemoration idea is a good one and worthy of our support. Visit their plans at

Ideas for preservation project are welcome from any member or reader. We are particularly interested in supporting UK projects. Thinking caps on...


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