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Heritage & News - April 2005


Most Endangered Battlefields 2005 The Civil War Preservation Trust (CWPT) has announced its 2005 list of the most endangered battlefields. The inclusion process is lengthy and difficult. Sites are nominated by the membership, with help from historians, preservationists, and CWPT's board of trustees. The sites included in the study are selected based on geographic location, military significance, and preservation status.

They are: Bermuda Hundred. Virginia ... Franklin. Tennessee ... Kennesaw Mountain. Georgia... Knoxville. Tennessee ... Manassas, Virginia ... Mansfield, Louisiana... Morris Island, South Carolina ... Raymond, Mississippi ... Spotsylvania County, Virginia ... Wilson's Creek, Missouri Details can be found at And if you feel inclined you can donate via credit card to help fund the purchase of tracts of land at some of these sites and some others not listed. Nearly three years ago, in April 2002, CWPT members stepped forward to make a generous donation to help CWPT secure the 232 acre parcel on School House Ridge at Harpers Ferry. Now, they have a chance to build on that success by adding a crucial 38-acre tract. Give $24 or more and you should receive a "I Helped Save Harpers Ferry!" t-shirt. Cape Hatteras, NC: USS Alligator The 2004 NOAH-ONR USS Alligator search expedition took place Aug. 22-30 2004 off Cape Hatteras, N.C. in the "Graveyard of the Atlantic," where the Civil War-era vessel was lost during a fierce storm in 1863. According to a letter written by the acting master (captain) of the USS Sumpter to Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles about the sub's loss, the vessel that was towing the USS Alligator- the USS Sumpter - cut the tow line pulling Alligator at approximately 6 p.m. EST on April 2, 1863 during heavy winds and seas. The last reported position, 34.43N and 75.20W, was taken at 12 noon the same day, six hours before the tow line was cut. Foul weather curtailed the initial search but some contacts were made by a remote submersible. The White House of the Confederacy HJR 747-the bill to set up a state joint subcommittee to study the location issues of The Museum and White House of the Confederacy-was approved by both chambers in the recently concluded Virginia General Assembly session. The next step is for the Commission members and chair to be appointed; following that, key agenda items and speakers to give testimony will be decided. The Commission will be comprised of 11 people: a representative from the MOC (Executive Director Waite Rawls), a representative from Virginia Commonwealth University, a representative of the City of Richmond to be designated by the mayor, five delegates, and three senators. The passage of this bill was assured by the tremendous outpouring of support from so many loyal members of the museum. A number of state legislators remarked on how many people they heard from on behalf of the museum. In fact, Speaker of the House Bill Howell commented that he received more than 100 e-mails, including two from overseas. He also said one of the museum's most loyal supporters is his wife Cecelia (who did not send him an e-mail). © ACWRT(UK) 2005

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