By Philip Alderton
A selection of motions relating to the American Civil War (with thanks to the Library of the Oxford Union Society).

I have omitted amendments that were not carried by the House. Unfortunately, the Oxford Union's records only list the names of the speakers and on what side they spoke for; the speeches themselves are not transcribed (PA).
7 February 1861
That this House deeply regrets the present condition of the United States, and trusts that they may honourably avoid the evils of disruption
Ayes: 27 \ Noes: 19
21 February 1861
That it is the duty of England to intercept the squadrons on the southern coast of North America and to take all other means consistent with the principles of non-intervention for the suppression of slavery in South America
Ayes: 23 \ Noes: 7
6 June 1861
That slavery is not a real evil to Negroes
Ayes: 13 | Noes: 27
31 October 1861
That the conduct of the United States Government towards the seceded States is unwise and unjustifiable
Ayes: 9 | Noes: 12
12 December 1861
That every effort should be used to avoid a war with the Northern States of America
Ayes: 21 \ Noes: 15
6 February 1862
That while the recognition of the Southern States will probably be ere Dng inevitable, the time for such 3cognition has not yet arrived
Ayes: 19 | Noes: 14
23 October 1862
That the Emancipation of Slaves proclaimed by the Federal Government deserves the strongest reprobation from all Parties
Ayes: 32 \ Noes: 12
13 November 1862
That the time has now arrived when England may with propriety recognise the independence of the Confederate States of North America
Ayes: 16 \ Noes: 20
11 December 1862
That in any society or Body, a perception of its faults should lead members to endeavour to reform, and not to secede from that society
Ayes: 19 | Noes: 11
5 February 1863
That it is the duty of England to use every endeavour to prevent for the future the importation of slave-grown produce
Motion negatived without division
19 February 1863
That the moral support accorded by England to the Southern Confederacy is a disgrace to the Country
Ayes: 23 | Noes: 23
The President gave his casting vote in favour of the motion
17 November 1863 (adjourned) & 26 November 1863
That of the two contending states in North America the Southern Confederacy is most deserving of our sympathy
Ayes: 31 \ Noes: 25
25 February 1864
That the so-called policy of Non-intervention is alike ungenerous and impolitic
Ayes: 15 | Noes: 11
12 May 1864
That the Government systematically sacrifices the honour and interests of Englishmen to truckle the American Cabinet
Ayes: 13 \ Noes: 29
4 May 1865 (adjourned) & 11 May 1865
That this House deeply regrets the late successes of the Federal arms; and believes the triumphs of the Government of Washington to be fatal to the freedom of America
Ayes: 37 | Noes: 25